Returns a collection of data from a query that automatically considers:-
- Whether the app is running on Production or Stage
appID: string || number
The appID is current a numeric value indicating the app or site instance ID within the repository.
table: string
The table name is the native database table name.
columns: string
A comma delimited list of table columns names (or fields) to return from the query.
where: string
A valid SQL where clause. Note, this structure will be deprecated in future, to be replaced by an object, the properties for which will be validated against the repository permissions.
orderBy: string
A valid SQL “order by” clause. If not provided, when querying a published table, the results will be sorted in reverse order of the publish_set_date, which is the date on which the item was first published. This allows a published item to be updated without disturbing the publish date sort order. The publish_set_date can be manually changed from the Publish Settings tab when editing an item.
isAppGrid: false,
isLive: false
Related Data
relatedTable: string,
relatedTable_id: number,
isReverseRelated: boolean,
Special Query Modifers
extraSQLJoin: string,
fullText: false,
fieldsReq: '',
isPaging: false,
isNoExpand: false, //NoExpand
leaveOrder: false,
distinct: false,
perPage: 50,
maxPage: 0,
OrderBy: '', // to be removed
orderBy: '',
rows: -1,
record: false,
s_keyword: '',
sqlDistinct: '',