

/users/:userId/photo - (GET) Endpoint for getting a user's photo.


/users/test - (GET) Endpoint for testing the userController, should be disabled in the production environment.


/users - (GET) Endpoint for getting all users. Protected by the adminGuard.


/users - (POST) Endpoint for creating a new user. Protected by the adminGuard.


/users/current - (GET) Endpoint for getting the current user's details.


/users/current - (PUT) Endpoint for updating the current user's details. Protected by the adminGuard.


/users/:id - (GET) Endpoint for getting a specific user's details. Protected by the adminGuard.


/users/:id - (PUT) Endpoint for updating a specific user's details. Protected by the adminGuard.


/users/:id - (DELETE) Endpoint for deleting a specific user. Protected by the adminGuard.

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