Form action parameters
tbl: (required) the table the assets will upload into
Example of form submitting to self:-
Required fields
form_name: can be any value, so long as it exists
table_name: table there are fields for in this form (repeat for additional tables)
form_action: {insertExec/updateExec}
updateExec requires ID field
Example with two tables:-
<input name="form_name" style="display: none" type="hidden" value="form_requests" />
<input name="table_name" style="display: none" type="hidden" value="aurora_customers" />
<input name="table_name" style="display: none" type="hidden" value="aurora_exhibitors" />
<input name="form_action" style="display: none" type="hidden" value="insertExec" />
Upload fields
For single row forms:-
Field Name: Table + “_” Field + “_upload.1”
<input id="aurora_exhibitors_doc1.1" name="aurora_exhibitors_doc1_upload.1" placeholder="Choose file 1" type="file" value="">